Q: When was INPPRF founded?
A: INPPRF was founded in Lucknow on 28th June, 2004 as the peoples movement for the World Peace, the International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum (INPPRF) is the only international, non-governmental organization devoted entirely to the support of the purposes and principles and programs of the The Nobel Foundation & Norwegian Nobel Committee etc., and All World Peace Movements/International Sports Organizations - INPPRF-Charter.
Q: Can I join INPPRF?
A: Yes, you can. You can join INPPRF through your country own National Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum. Being a member of your local NNPPRF provides you with access to all the services of INPPRF.
Q: How can I get in touch with my country's NNPPRF?
A: One way is to check out our member directory and make use of the contact information there.
Q: What if my country does not have a NNPPRF?
A: Then it is time to take action! the INPPRF Constitution provides:
"In countries where there is no National Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum, individuals, institutions and non-governmental organizations which accept the objectives set out in this INPPRF Constitution are admissible as Individual or Observers. The primary aim of observer status should be the establishment of a National Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum in the respective countries. Members shall have observer status in the Assembly and in Regional Conferences."
Learn about how to set up a NNPPRF,
Get in touch with us if you are interested in setting up a NNPPRF in your own country.
Q: I am visiting Lucknow, India and would like to visit INPPRF - what do I do?
A: First of all, you can find the INPPRF Address
www.nobelpeaceforum.org of its Headquarters. If you
would like to meet our staff members, call us at (+91-522-2303664)
or e-mail us beforehand at [email protected].
We warmly welcome you to get in touch with us. Submit
your question to [email protected], and we will
answer your question as soon as possible.